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January '03
1/04 Works in progress
1/05 Weirdness soundbite
* 1/07 It's funny. Laugh
1/08 Apology
1/10 Apology
1/11 Questions
1/13 Lesson
* 1/16 More on cynicism
1/18 Heroes
1/20 King
1/21 Con notice
1/24 Con update, 1
1/27 Con update, 2
1/29 Number riddle
* February '03
2/01 Columbia down
* 2/03 Space explorers
2/05 Rant
2/09 Reverse weekend
2/11 Guantanamo Bay
* 2/13 Revolution
* 2/14 Love (T)
2/19 Arm $aga 1
2/22 Arm $aga 2
2/24 Arm $aga 3
2/26 Arm $aga 4
March '03
3/03 Arm $aga 5
3/05 QOTD
3/08 Generic update
3/13 War deja vu
3/17 War-ning
* 3/18 The Iraq post
3/19 Setup; punchline
3/21 The lie of freedom
3/26 Life update
3/28 Scattered thoughts